Monday, January 14, 2013

Preparation to Train

I've divided my training into several phases: Preparation, Base, Build, Peak and Race. The idea is to manage my fitness level so that when the NYC Tri comes along on July 14th, I'm in the best condition possible. Last year, I feel like a peaked early, trained too hard for too long before the race, and burnt out right around race week. I also developed IT Band Syndrome later in the year - basically from not warming up, cooling down, and stretching properly. I couldn't run more than a few yards before my knee was burning in pain. Luckily this occurred right around the holidays so I gave myself an "off season". This year I'll be more careful about building slowly and tapering off correctly while incorporating more rest and recovery.

My "off season" may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it left me 20lbs above my goal race weight and back to square 1 as far as conditioning goes (I'm 5'10" - 190lbs). The advantage I have over last year is that now I have a plan, I know how to swim (somewhat), and I have a clear picture of my weaknesses. Now, in the Preparation Phase, and for the next 3 weeks I'll slowly building my strength and cardio then ramp it up in Base Phase 1. I'll do 2 strength workouts, 2 swim, 2 bike, and 2 run for the week. Each swim/bike/run will be broken into 1 speed and 1 endurance workout. At the end of 3 weeks, and every 3 weeks from here on, I'll do speed tests in each discipline to gauge my fitness level.

I haven't run since early November when I discovered the injury. Tonight, I run. I'll take it slow (10min/mi +) on a treadmill for 30mins and see how it feels in the morning. I'm looking at the week and it looks full, but totally manageable. I'm also looking forward to steak and scotch Wednesday night with a friend of mine. Just because I obsess about tri-training doesn't mean I have to stop enjoying life! If anything, all this training gives me more energy to spend time with friends and family. I'll be working hard to create a balance between training and real life. I'm not trying to go pro here, just to set a difficult, but reachable goal. In order to reach that goal I'll have to live a happier, healthier lifestyle. And there you have it, that's my motivation.

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