Sunday, January 13, 2013

1 Year Later

I am a novice triathlete. It has been just about 1 year since I started training for my first triathlon. In 2012 I completed 1 Sprint Tri and the Olympic distance NYC Triathlon. Completing the NYC Tri was the single most significant athletic achievement of my life. I also went on to run a half marathon later in the year. Prior to January 2012 I had never swam competitively, run more than 7 miles, or biked more than 20mph. I'll admit it, I was a couch potato. I ate garbage, I drank alot, smoked occasionally and spent alot of time in front of the computer screen. After watching from the sidelines as my wife trained for and completed the NYC Triathlon in 2011, I started thinking more and more about transforming my life.

So here I am a year later. I know I can do the distance. I know how hard it is. I know I can train better. I've just finished laying out my training plan for the year. The Triathlete's Training Bible by Joe Friel is an amazing resource for setting personal goals and then organizing your training appropriately. This year I want to boost my time in all 3 events. Run speed, swimming technique, and biking power are the 3 main areas of focus. The other thing I really need to work on is nutrition. I know little to nothing about what and how much I should be eating. My final goal is to run a half-ironman in the next 3-5 years. From there, who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Good job mate. Very inspiring and I am glad to hear that you are doing well.
